
one CLI to rule them all

With just a few keystrokes and some simple configurations, you can seamlessly interact with any LLM or image generation API that follows the OpenAI standard. Say goodbye to juggling multiple tools and hello to AskItty, the one CLI to rule them all!

Install (mac only)

curl -sSL | bash


askitty [FLAG] [MESSAGE]


-h, --help                          Display help message
-v, --version                       Display version
-m, --message                       Message to send to the model
-i, --imagine                       Generate image from text
-r, --repl                          Start a repl
-n, --new                           Start a new session
-s, --sessions                      View all sessions
-s <session_id>                     View a specific session
-d <session_id>                     Delete a specific session
-c, --clear                         Clear all sessions
-p, --prompt                        Set global system prompt
-p <session_id>                     Set a specific session prompt
-ps, --prompt-show                  Show global system prompt
-pc, --prompt-clear                 Clear global system prompt
-pd, --prompt-delete <session_id>   Delete a specific session prompt              
-vc, --view-config                  View global configuration
-sc, --set-config                   Set global configuration